Saturday, January 7, 2012


Trying to understand the real intention of people is possibly the real reason I got involved in paralanguage in the first place. As a salesman you have to be able to read the customer, see what they fear, what they like, what keeps them from giving you the order... basically, anything that stands between you and your commission.

I don't know if it's specific to the market I'm operating in or if it's the M.O. of any prospect out there but it seems that lying is primary reflex. There are many "tells" that gives lies away; the eyes, the posture, the hands, etc...
We know that hands play a very important role in body language, whether they are used to threaten someone, to accuse someone, to deny something, or anything else.

The "hand over the mouth" can be the first clue of a deception. Although very basic it still has to be handled with care as, for example, it can easily be confused with the evaluating gesture where the hand is also around the mouth. Context, context and more context then.

If someone covers their mouth while speaking with their hands, their fist or even just a couple of finger it's usualy a sign of deception. However, you can also see this when YOU are speaking which could mean that the other person isn't entirely conviced by what you are saying.

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