Friday, January 27, 2012


Beside many clues that can usually give away signs of deception, I believe the Freudian Slip is one of the easiest to spot.

It is supposed that the deceiver forgets the lie and that truth just pops out. As my general approach to life, I don't believe in "easy". So I'd be the last to buy the idea that the truth can "just fall off" but there is a part of it I take seriously: it gives insight to the ongoing train of thoughts.

Ever read an email while talking on the phone? Ever "inserted" a word from the mail to the phone conversation without noticing and only realised it when your sentence lost its meaning? Well, that's the slip as far as I go.
The slip gives me a word or a snapshot of the ideas being processed. I only take note of the nature of the word: is it a positive one? Is it related to the current discussion? Is it a person? An object? As I said, just a clue that could mean something... Or not.

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